Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Ecluses de Merrickville

Our journey today from Smith Falls took us through seven locks of which Lock 23-21 ( in flight ) have what’s called a turning basin between the locks. The Park staff are extremely helpful and assist you all the way through. NH was permitted to dock at the blue line overnight. The perfect spot to walk uptown “The Jewel of the Rideau”.
The beginning of the flight of locks opening into the turning basin.

Again this section of the river and canal is very shallow in parts but well marked. Lots of farming noticed along the way. The approach is through one of the Rideau’s dammed , lake-like regions which consists of drowned land with hidden stumps , swamps and reedy shores. It is really very pretty watching the reed move with the wind. Lots of floating lilies and Nana saw her first loon in the water with its magnificent black head and black and grey body- I bet we will hear the wail of the loon tonight.
Nana and Nandad had a late lunch at The Baldachin Inn garden patio which was delicious. Nana got some new ideas for her Zen garden! 
A really pretty downtown with some lovely impressive stone, brick and log architecture. Naturally we had to buy some handmade caramels from Pickle & Myrrh. Melt in you candy.

A little history on this small town. Unfortunately the Blockhouse was not open today.

Nana couldn’t resist taking a picture of the bee balm growing wild right where NH is docked. Once again we have the train passing by to remind us of the transportation system. 
We have booked into the Yacht Club Montreal for July 21 to 24 as we expect the busy vacation time for the locals is about to begin. Tomorrow we continue the beautiful cruise along the Rideau River and will likely stop at Long Island. 

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