Tuesday, February 23, 2021

February 23rd NH anchors at Indian Key

Today NH cruised approximately 30 miles along the Gulf Coast leaving Marco Island behind and heading towards the Everglades National Park. Thousand of Islands uninhabited - so the total opposite to Marco. Take a look at the map , find the 951 , right there at the corner where the bridge meets Collier Blvd is the Marco Island Yacht Club which is at the marina where we stayed. The yacht club was closed ( most clubs close in FL on Mondays) but unlikely due to Covid guidelines that we would have visited. Nana and Nandad donned their backpacks and rode their bikes to Publix’s to provision.

NH finds the perfect Anchorage at Indian Key and by 2.30pm she is nicely secured for the evening. Indian Key Pass leads into Everglades City meandering  through the Ten thousand islands for 6 miles. We anchor just inside the pass with plenty of time to relax, read and enjoy listening to the Dolphin coming up for air. There is one other motor yacht in the area. We watch yet another wonderful sunset and Nana is ready to use her star gazer gizmo through the open roof - just like our very own observatory. Tomorrow our plan is to get up at sunrise and take the long cruise to Key West - approx 92 miles. 


  1. Wow what a life!! Looks beautiful! We will miss you for gymnastics tomorrow! ❤️🤗

  2. So happy you’re getting comfortable with anchoring. It was my favorite time on the boat. Just that floating, quiet, peaceful time.
